Open Public Meetings
Board of Commissioner meetings are regularly scheduled events that take place at 3:30 PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. You are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Cedar River’s Board of Commissioners next meeting will be Tuesday, March 18, 2025.
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Prevent damage from frozen pipes this winter!
By taking a few simple precautions, you can avoid the mess, hassle and cost of wasted water and repairing leaky pipes.
For more water-wise tips, tools and rebates, visit
On this day in 1974, the Safe Drinking Water Act was signed into law, ensuring safe, clean drinking water for millions of Americans. For 50 years, the SDWA has protected public health and driven innovation in water treatment. Cedar River Water and Sewer joins AWWA in celebrating this huge milestone essential for public health!
The District has completed the initial Lead Service Line Inventory as part of the Lead and Copper Rule Revision. All water service lines within our service area have been classified as Non-Lead based on plumbing code, District records, or physical inspection. To view the data for a specific property, use the link below to access our interactive map.
Wet wipes look the same but 90% are not meant for flushing. Check the packaging for “Do Not Flush” and when in doubt, throw it out!
The side sewer is the pipe that carries away sewage from a building. Side sewer is the property owners responsibility.
When it comes to your home’s toilet, you likely don’t think about it too often as long as it’s working the way it should. For many of us, that’s the case. But toilets age and over time, they do need to be replaced. How can you tell if your toilet has reached the end of the road?
Cedar River Water & Sewer District offers free irrigation water use assessments to our business, commercial and multi-family customers through the Saving Water Partnership. We’ll help you identify areas to save water and money while still maintaining a green, beautiful landscape. Learn more:
King County and Washington Water Assistance have programs to help with utility bills.
Cedar River Water & Sewer District
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Phone: 425-255-6370
Board of Commissioner meetings are regularly scheduled events that take place at 3:30 PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. You are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Building a deck? Planting a tree? Installing a mailbox? 811 is the new number you should call before you begin any digging project. Accidentally breaking a line can be costly for you. Save the headache, schedule a locate service by calling 811.
Did you know…..Installing restrictive shower and faucet heads can save up to 50% of water used? …..In the average home, 2/3 of all water used indoors is used in the bathroom?…..Toilets use 33% of that indoor usage?…..The average person uses 80 gallons of water a day?…..The average family, 165 gallons per day?
Should you have a plumber or contractor suggesting any water or sewer work outside of your home or business, like a meter replacement or sewer line replacement call us first! This one call can save you paying thousands of dollars for work that may be the Districts responsibility. Additionally, you can save yourself from unnecessary penalties for tampering with District-owned equipment.
We have had an unusually dry summer and the forecasts predict a potential delay in the return of sustained fall rai...
Saving Water Partnership has great ideas to save water and protect our watershed while getting your car looking goo...
Consider these ideas to save water while having fun!...
In November 2016, King County Ordinance 18403 was enacted to impose rent upon water, sewer, gas, and power utilitie...